What is FHL?
- Introduction to FHL (short 2:26min)
- Correlation - Problems of FHL (Functional Hallux Limitus) - Medicol (average 9:43)
- Presentation of FHL (47min)
Publications on FLH
- Olden TR ., Vallotton J., "Pourquoi la ténolyse du tendon du flexor hallucis longus associée à la ligamentoplastie du croisé antérieur peut améliorer l'équilibre dynamique et le bien-être du patient"
- Brian Carpenter, Michael Gentile, Jacob Russell Hagenbucher, 2021, "Functional hallux rigidus in high level athletes: Arthroscopic repair by flexor hallucis longus debridement"
- Vallotton J., 2018, « Hallux limitus fonctionnel : quand le pied marche mal », Magazine Génération, Décembre 2018
- Vallotton J., Tzioupis C., 2017 : « Positive effect of Flexor hallucis longus (Fhl). Release on Anterior Knee Pain Syndrome (AKPS) in patients with Functional Hallux Limitus (FHL) ». Article envoyé au Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, en attente de validation.
- Vallotton J., Tzioupis C., 2017 : « Subtalar arthroscopy in the treatment of Functional Hallux Limitus. A new paradigm shift ». Article envoyé Journal of foot and ankle surgery, en attente de validation.
- Vallotton J., 2015 : « Hallux limitus fonctionnel, l’œuf de Colomb de l’orthopédie ». Magazine Cliniquement Vôtre, Hirslanden, n°10 juillet, p. 18-19
- Vallotton J., 2014 : « Hallux Limitus Fonctionnel, le pied qui fatigue et qui use ». Revue Médicale Suisse N° 453, 2333-2337
- Vallotton J., 2012 : « L’hallux limitus fonctionnel ». Journal Maîtrise orthopédique n°216
- Vallotton J. Echeverri S., Dobbelaere-Nicolas V., 2010. « Functional Hallux Limitus or Rigidus Caused by a Tenodesis Effect at the Retrotalar Pulley. Description of the Functional Stretch Test and the Hoover CordManeuver that releases this tenodesis effect clinically illustrated ». American Journal of Podiatry. Vol 100 • No 3 , pages 220-229 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
- Vallotton J., 2008 : « Anterior Knee Pain and Flexor Hallucis Longus Impingement : A Close Relationship ». Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, Volume 16, Supplement 1, 80-230, DOI: 10.1007/s00167-008-0548-4.
- Vallotton J., 2008 : « Functional Hallux Limitus or Rigidus : A common denominator to Hallux Rigidus, Hallux Valgus and painful compensatory mechanisms during gait – review ». Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Volume 16, Supplement 1:S80-S230.
Medicol 2023 Congress
- Anthropology
M.D. Jacques Vallotton - Anatomy
Prof. Beat Riederer - Biomechanics and implications in gait
M.D. Jacques Vallotton - Clinical Diagnosis
M.D. Delphine Amsellem - Medical Imaging
M.D. Olivier Leluc - Gait analysis and podologic examination
M.D. Theresa Olden - Physiotherapy
David Suleau - Podologic evaluation and care
Vinciane Dobbelaere - Osteopathy for children and adults
Gabrielle Piclet - Insoles: new concept
M.D. Jacques Vallotton - Various surgical situations in video
M.D. Jacques Vallotton - Indications
M.D. Barbara Piclet and M.D. Gythe Bulstra - Tips and tricks and other procedures
M.D. Gythe Bulstra - Our experience in Marseilles
M.D. Marianne Hélix-Giordanino and M.D. Solenne Frey - Anterior knee pain
Prof. Matthieu Ollivier - Gastrocnemius shortness
M.D. Pierre Barouk - Inankle instability
Prof. Thomas Bauer - Overuse tendinopathies
M.D. Nils Reymond - Hallux Rigidus
M.D. Barbara Piclet - Successful conservative treatment
Vinciane Dobbelaere - Experience in Nantes
M.D. Ronny Lopes - Clinical case
M.D. Marianne Hélix-Giordanino, M.D. Bella van Dalen, M.D. Solenne Frey and M.D. Jacques Vallotton - Tenolysis of the flexor hallucis longus in its retro-talar pulley under ultrasound control
Prof. Matthieu Ollivier
FHL Congress 2013
FHL Study Group: Meeting 2015
- Introduction
Dr Jacques Vallotton - Anatomy of the flexor hallucis longus (FHL): What do we really know?
Prof. Beat Riederer & Anthony Olivetto - Gait analysis
Prof. Brigitte Jolles-Haeberli - Functionnal Hallux Limitus: Form and Function
Howard Dananberg - Clinical case
Vinciane Dobbelaere - Osteopathic treatment of symptomatology of FHL origin
Christophe Oulevey - Surgical experience in more than 500 cases
Dr Jacques Vallotton
Other videos
- Biomechanics of running (medico-sports symposium on running)
Dr Jacques Vallotton - Medicol Congress 2015: The foot in evolution
Dr Jacques Vallotton
Medicol-Hirslanden Symposium 2019 of the foot and ankle
- FHL: implication of FHL in walking and posture disorders
Dr Jacques Vallotton - Chronic ankle instability: origin (s), prevention, treatment
Vinciane Dobbelaere - Tenolysis of Flexor Hallucis Longus
Dr Jacques Vallotton