Why have I never heard of FHL before visiting this site?

FHL is a new paradigm that is accepted by a large part of foot professionals such as podiatrists. On the other hand, it is poorly known in the medical and orthopedic world. We strive to compensate for this lack of information, notably with this website and several publications in scientific journals.

Is it a big operation? Is the tendon cut?

No, this operation is not considered to be a significant operation. It's not about cutting the tendon, it's about freeing it. The only structure that is severed is the tendon pulley which is a fibrous structure that hinders the sliding of the tendon. Sometimes small bony bulges are also erased with a small bur.

How long does the operation last?

20-30 minutes for a unilateral intervention, 40-60 minutes for a bilateral one.

How am I set up for this procedure?

Prone, that is, lying on your stomach. The operation is done at the rear of your foot. You will be put in this position when you are in the operating room.

Do I need general anesthesia for this procedure?

Not necessarily, the details of the anesthesia will be discussed with the anesthetist several days before the operation during a dedicated interview. General anesthesia is not mandatory, the operation can be done under anesthesia of the lower body for example. Several possibilities exist and the anesthetist will discuss them with you.

Is there a risk of damaging the Achilles tendon?

No, we enter in front of the Achilles tendon to free the tendon from FHL but there is no risk of damaging it.

Is there any pain when I wake up?

The pain is weak and easily controlled by a basic analgesia.

How long do I spend in hospital?

In principle, one night postoperatively is sufficient and ensures good control of pain and the postoperative situation. Physiotherapy treatment is prescribed to you before you leave so that you can do the exercises yourself at home.

Will there be any unsightly scars?

No, the scars are usually very inconspicuous and small (less than 1cm long on either side of the Achilles tendon).

When are the stitches removed?

8 to 10 days after the operation.

Will I need crutches to get around after surgery?

In theory, no.

When will I be able to walk properly?

Immediately after the procedure.

How long will I be in recovery?

On average, you will be able to return to work about 10 days after the operation, after a period of relative rest.

When will I be able to drive?

To start driving again, you need to be able to activate the pedals quickly and easily, all without pain. There are variations depending on the person, but in general it takes about 5 to 10 days.

When will I be able to play sports again?

Most patients who have undergone such an operation can return to practicing low-impact sports like golf and walking 3 weeks after the operation. Cycling is possible from the 4th week. It will then be possible to start an exercise program allowing you to return to your favorite activities. This period depends on each individual and the desired activity. Most of our patients are able to return to their usual activities safely.

What do you mean by "exercise program"?

The aim of the release of FHL is to restore a physiological gait and better balance. Appropriate rehabilitation is necessary to learn how to reuse the foot and the entire lower limbs correctly.